





1. 伊良部 真一郎(肝胆膵外科).術前化学療法で病理学的完全奏効が得られた切除可能境界膵体部癌の1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 83-2;415-421,2022
2. 山本 博崇(肝胆膵外科).鈍的肝損傷後に胆汁漏を合併した3例の検討.Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 12-1;35-40,2022
3. 伊良部 真一郎(肝胆膵外科).本邦の外科専門医研修におけるAcute Care Surgery教育の現状調査.Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 12-1;28-34,2022
4. 齋藤 麻里菜(肝胆膵外科).外傷診療におけるチームワーク構築に対する当院の取り組み.Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 12-1;7-12,2022
5. 伊良部 真一郎(肝胆膵外科).既存のER型救命救急センターにおける外科ACSチームの稼動とトラウマコード導入による外傷診療体制の構築.Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery 12-1;1-6,2022
6. Kentaro Watanabe(呼吸器外科).Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura mimicking a soft tissue sarcoma of the chest wall .International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 91,2022
7. Tatsuaki Kosaka(呼吸器外科).Solitary pulmonary nodule as the initial manifestation of isolated metastasis from prostate cancer without bone involvement: A case report.International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 90,2022
8. Masaki Yamamoto(呼吸器外科).Spontaneous regressions in non-small cell lung cancer with different clinical outcomes .International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 92,2022
9. Shuhei Iizuka(呼吸器外科).Spontaneous Closure of a Metachronous Brochopleural Fistula after Omentoplasty for a Preceding Fistula: Case Report.Annals of Medicine and Surgery 82,2022
10. Hikaru Nakayama(呼吸器外科).Sudden hemothorax as a rare initial manifestation of bronchiectasis under a direct oral anticoagulant.Surgical case reports 8,2022
11. Minori Nakamura(呼吸器外科).Subpleural emphysema as a rare initial manifestation of an iatrogenic tracheal penetration: A case report .Surgical case reports 8,2022
12. 宮木 祐一郎(上部消化器外科).ヘルニア診療の最前線「腹腔鏡下鼠径ヘルニア手術」.消化器外科 45-2;123-136,2022
13. 宮木 祐一郎(上部消化器外科).Endoscopic component separationを併施した巨大鼠径ヘルニアの1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 83-7;1374-1379,2022
14. Asuka Kawabata(乳腺科).Coincidence of Sarcoidosis and a COVID-19 vaccine-associated hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy in a patient with a history of invasive breast cancer: A case repor.International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 94,2022
15. 浅井 はるか (乳腺科).眼瞼腫脹を契機に診断されたIgG4 関連疾患による乳腺腫瘍性病変の1 例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 83-5;821-826,2022
16. Soichi Shibuya(小児外科).Comparison of surgical outcomes between laparoscopic percutaneous extracorporeal closure (LPEC) and open repair for pediatric inguinal hernia by propensity score methods and log-rank test analysis.Surgical Endoscopy 36-2;941-950,2022
17. 野口 拓樹(呼吸器外科).肺癌術後にドレーン閉塞のため胸腔内出血の顕在化が遅れた1例.聖隷浜松病院医学雑誌 20-2;16-19,2021
18. Asuka Uebayashi(呼吸器外科).Preoperative marking of a submillimeter metastatic pulmonary tumor using a mobile computed tomography scan with a navigation system: A case report.International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 79;350-353,2021
19. 森 菜採子(乳腺科).6高齢者乳がん患者(社会的・経済的支援を要したケース)+高齢者の乳癌診療.南江堂/東京 ;147-151,2021
20. Shogo Yobita(呼吸器外科).Mediastinal hemangioma mimicking an invasive tumor growth: A case report.International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 80,2021
21. 山本 博崇(肝胆膵外科).2.外因病態への救急外科(Acute Care Surgery認定外科医テキスト).へるす出版 第1版;279-288,2021
22. Yasuyuki Kobayashi(大腸肛門科).A 77-Year-Old Man with a Pulse Granuloma of the Descending Colon Identified by Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) Imaging 19 Months Following Surgical Resection for Rectal Carcinoma.Am J Case Rep. ,2021
23. Suiha Uchiyama(呼吸器外科).Fissure-first bilobectomy of a giant lung abscess combined with a squamous cell carcinoma via a minimally invasive open surgery.Surgical Case Reports ,2021
24. Toshiaki Takahashi(小児外科).Laparoscopic resection of a non-communicating uterine rudimentary horn using intra-operative indigocarmine injection: A case report.International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 81,2021
25. 高橋 俊明(小児外科).選択的腎動脈塞栓術により非観血的治療に成功した小児外傷性urinomaの1例.日本小児泌尿器科学会雑誌 30-1;84-88,2021
26. Kazuki Yamano(呼吸器外科).Delayed bleeding due to a sharp protruding edge of the endostaplers after a wedge resection of the lung: A case report.Surgical Case Reports 6-31,2020
27. 増田 拓(呼吸器外科).胃癌術後6年で出現し原発性肺癌と鑑別を要した肺クリプトコッカス症の一例.聖隷浜松病院医学雑誌 19-2;1-4,2020
28. Ryo Fujikawa(呼吸器外科).Marking method for peripheral non-palpable pulmonary nodules using a mobile computed tomography scanner with a navigation system.General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 68-10;1220-1223,2020
29. Ryo Fujikawa(呼吸器外科).A case of a primary pulmonary meningioma mimicking a metastasis from a papillary thyroid carcinoma due to a size reduction after radioactive iodine therapy.Surgical Case Reports 6-57,2020
30. Hiroyuki Tsuchida(呼吸器外科).Nontraumatic warfarin related intrapulmonary hemorrhage presenting as a lung mass.Surgical Case Reports 6-70,2020
31. Takehiro Yamamoto(呼吸器外科).Narrow Band Imaging for thoracic endometriosis.Surgical Case Reports 6-242,2020
32. 鈴木 一史(上部消化器外科).S-1+cisplatin+trastuzumab療法後にConversion surgeryを行ったHER2陽性進行胃癌の一例.聖隷浜松病院医学雑誌 20-2;1~5,2020
33. 髙橋 俊明(小児外科).鼠径ヘルニア,停留精巣,包茎,VURにおける日帰り・1泊入院手術.小児看護 43-13;1614-1620,2020